My first time on this blog with a Painting Report!
First, let me start with giving a bit of background on me & painting:
I started painting miniatures back in 1996. That was when I got me a shiny box of second edition WH 40k and botched all the marine miniatures with a silver spray ... Having ruined all of the marines I only had the orks left, which I then started collecting and painting.
Due to life's unforeseen circumstances... and lack of a gamer group in my new town, I stopped painting in 1999. That was a sad time in my life....
In March 2009 when I got me a shiny box of 5th edition WH 40K and relived beautiful memories from my childhood, with the exception of raping my space marines with wall paint. And so I painted some more orks with a strong feeling of deja vu.
Apart from miniature painting I have doubled in digital art, REAL painting, lots of sketch work, murals, sculpting and all sorts of artsy stuff since I was ... hmmm I don't recall ever not doing any of that. I you could say I have a fairly strong background when it comes to paint. Also, I would like to mention I'm addicted to coolminiornot.
I do hope this is not going to be the last report of this kind... and I promise not to rant on the next one.
Anyyyyywayyyyyss, back to business.
Today I'm going to be painting (in a figurative sense) an Ogryn bone 'ead called Stefa, from 2nd edition (whom I managed to retrieve from the time-warp he was sitting in since 1999).
Those Ogryns were a bit different from the modern day ones. They had a bit more of an edge to them and less of a I-m-too-dumb-to-wipe-my-own-arse look on their faces.
Since he was already painted by me back in 1996 (... doesn't that sounds like a quote from "Back to the Future 3"?) I decided to simply enhance that paint job. So here is the first pic showing the ogryn with a new coat of paint.
I wish I had made a photo of him before I started painting, so you will have to use your imagination or x-ray vision to see what he looked like before.
The colors I used there were dwarf flesh, german cammo green, chaos black(weapon). All the remaining paint was there before.
First I started off with the gun using a technique I use from most inorganic objects. I added highlights with about 1/2 black 1/2 Enchanted Blue, then added edge highlights with 3/4 khaki 1/4 black, then added pure khaki extreme highlights, and some very extreme pure white highlights. This is not very fine blending and to tie the colors together I washed it with badab black ink. After it dried I redid some of the extreme highlights with a watered down white.
Next up I did the metallics on the gun. I undercoated it all with boltgun metal and then applied highlights with mithril silver, washed with badab black, and redid some mithril highlights. Sometimes I use a mix of white and mithril silver to do extreme edge highlights. Also notice that I painted the shells. Since I do not have a brass colored paint I based them with burnished gold, then washed with badab black and gryphon sepia, and at the end dry brushed some mythril silver.
Now we are getting somewhere! Notice on that last picture that I also painted the combat blade. I used the same technique as the metal on the gun, and after that added weathering to both by washing them with a mix of strongly watered down tin bitz and dark flesh. Also, I added some dried blood smearing to the knife using a loose brush with only a little diluted red gore, it is better visible on the next pic.
As the flesh still looks way to fresh and baby like, I added a wash of very watered flesh-sepia-black to the whole skin area, making sure that the paint does not pool.
What great miniatures they were, and your painting certainly does them justice. Thank you for taking the time to show the process; the in-depth commentary is bound to be useful to many people.
OdpowiedzUsuńI am wondering whether English is your first language and simply cannot decide. I will say only that the quality of the writing puts many native speakers to shame.
Congratulations on both your painting and literary skills (good sense of humor) Van Burren :)
OdpowiedzUsuńI'll be happy to see these Ogryns in real life some time soon.
And you do really set a high standard and I'm not quite sure, if I'll be able to match it with my skills with the 2 other Ogryns I'll be painting. Expect pictures nonetheless!!!
Anyways great paint-job, great post- I just can't wait to read and see some more of your stuff.