Minął już ponad rok od czasu kiedy założyliśmy klub, niecały rok od czasu kiedy mamy siedzibę.
Dziękuję wszystkim tym którzy swoim wkładem umożliwili działanie klubu.
Jednocześnie koniec pierwszego roku naszej działalności to dobry czas na podsumowanie.
Sprawy finansowe klubu nasz skarbnik (Rantor) prowadzi skrupulatnie, a czynsz jest na bieżąco opłacany.
Stan osobowy klubu powiększył się. Zaczynaliśmy z 12 członkami klubu, w tej chwili jest nas 14 do tego jeszcze parę osób związanych z klubem. Można powiedzieć, że z przyległościami jest nas już dwudziestka.
Wykorzystanie klubu
Większość z nas należy do pracujących, to znaczy że możemy sobie spokojnie pozwolić na opłacanie składek, nawet za samą możliwość wykorzystania klubu wtedy kiedy mamy czas na granie.
Z drugiej strony bardzo mało pojawia się w klubie młodszych graczy, a klubowiczów często grających w klubie również nie ma zbyt wielu.
Mogę szacować, że nawet przy 30-40 stałych członkach klubu, nie mielibyśmy problemów z pomieszczeniem się w obecnym klubie.
Co sprawia, że ci którzy grają często nie chcą grac u nas? Nie mam dobrej odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Mogą to być:
przyzwyczajenia do grania w domach/sklepach,
niechęć do płacenia składek (ale przy koszcie miesięcznym poniżej ceny jednego taniego biletu do kina - jest to mało zrozumiałe),
może na Bemowie/Żoliborzu/Woli jest po prostu mało graczy.
Właściwie tylko na pierwszy przypadek możemy jako klub mieć wpływ.
Środkiem do nakłonienia większej liczby graczy do przyłączenia się do nas, jest uparte, częste i regularne prowadzenie eventów/ spotkań na granie.
Kiedy nasze spotkania będą pewne w określonym terminie, wtedy również będą pojawiali się nowi gracze- z resztą tak jak miało to miejsce do tej pory.
Kluczowa jest tutaj ilość.
Mam jeszcze jedno spostrzeżenie. Nie znalazłem żadnego chętnego, do prowadzenia w klubie warhammera fantasy. Pomimo obietnicy zwolnienia z opłat i ogłoszenia na Border Princes (największy serwis whfb w Polsce) ani jeden chętny się nie zgłosił.
Paradoksalnie sprawia to, że Flames of War, Warmachina+Hordy i Battlefleet Gothic są grami znacznie popularniejszymi u nas niż whfb.
Najpopularniejsze systemy
Animowanie whfb u nas wymaga znacznie większego wysiłku do osiągnięcia rezultatu niż w przypadku FoW’a, wh40k czy Warmachiny. Wysiłku, który i tak mało kto gotowy jest podjąć. Z resztą nie ma w tej chwili, nikogo u nas kto by w ten system regularnie grał. Skoncentrowanie działań na 3 wspomnianych systemach przyniesie lepsze rezultaty niż na ożywianiu „martwej szkapy” jaką zdaje się w tej chwili być WHFB.
Podsumowując naszą obecną sytuację
mogę powiedzieć, że jestem zadowolony z efektów pierwszego roku naszej działalności. Klub jeszcze nie osiągnął masy krytycznej, nie zaistniał jeszcze efekt kuli śnieżnej- nie mamy jeszcze tylu członków, aby ciągle (powiedzmy w każdy weekend) klub był obsadzony i żeby następował przepływ graczy przez nasz klub (tak jak ma to miejsce w klubach w Europie zachodniej
Klub dalej wymaga czasami pociągnięcia go, czasami popchnięcia do przodu. Mogę jednak śmiało dodać, że idzie naprzód znacznie łatwiej, niż jeszcze rok temu.
Co jest najbardziej teraz potrzebne?
Ludzie gotowi zaangażować się w działalność klubową. Tacy jak np. caen, który w miarę regularnie robi spotkania w weekendy na warmachinę.
Czego życzę klubowiczom (w tym sobie) na nowy rok?
-Więcej czasu, który mogą poświęci na wargaming :)
p.s. chętnie przeczytam Wasze uwagi i przemyślenia
poniedziałek, 27 grudnia 2010
poniedziałek, 29 listopada 2010
sobota, 27 listopada 2010
Incunabilis Sector - Map and Description
Campaign Map:

it's description can be found on the Cypra Probatii BFG portal:

it's description can be found on the Cypra Probatii BFG portal:
Battlefleet Gothic,
piątek, 26 listopada 2010
Da Red Orktoba’ -experimantal rules for the notorious Ork Battleship and it’s infamous Kaptin
[380 pts]
Type/hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Battleship/ 12 20 cm 45 3 5+ /6+ front 3
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Prow Torpedoes 30 cm 2D6+3 front
Port gunz battery 30 cm D6+4 left
Stbd gunz battery 30 cm D6+4 right
Port heavy gunz battery 15 cm 6 left
Stbd heavy gunz battery 15 cm 6 right
Aft torpedoes 30 cm D6+2 rear
Red Orktober is equiped with Extra Power Fields (included in profile) and Mega-armoured Boarding Parties (giving it an additional +1 modifier on boarding). It is led by the infamous Kaptin Morkuz Ramiuzz (rules below).
Red Orktober can fire normal and boarding torpedoes.
Kaptin Morkuz Ramiuzz
Leadership: 7
Re-rolls: 2- diz may only be uzed on Da Red Orktoba’, and no otha re-rollz may be uzed on Da Red Orktoba’
Famuz Freebooter: Kaptin Morkuz Ramiuz iż da only Kaptin on bord diz ship. The ship has all the normal bonuses of having a Ork Warlord on board (and thus may not buy another Warlord for this ship), with the following exceptions: Ramiuz can never be the Fleet Commander, Da Red Orktober’s crew may never be exchanged for another crew.
Under Da Kaptinz (blind) Eye - Ramiuzz pu(ni)shes the crew beyond any limit, which means they are a very proficient (for orks), if somewhat tired crew . This means that when under the Kaptin’s gaze they will work their hands to the bone, but on other occasions they just won’t give a damn.
For every successful Ld check, the ship suffers a -1 penalty to it’s leadership. On the other hand, every unsuccessful Ld check means the ship gets a +1 leadership bonus. These do stack up, so keep count.
Type/hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Battleship/ 12 20 cm 45 3 5+ /6+ front 3
Armament Range/Speed Firepower/Str Fire Arc
Prow Torpedoes 30 cm 2D6+3 front
Port gunz battery 30 cm D6+4 left
Stbd gunz battery 30 cm D6+4 right
Port heavy gunz battery 15 cm 6 left
Stbd heavy gunz battery 15 cm 6 right
Aft torpedoes 30 cm D6+2 rear
Red Orktober is equiped with Extra Power Fields (included in profile) and Mega-armoured Boarding Parties (giving it an additional +1 modifier on boarding). It is led by the infamous Kaptin Morkuz Ramiuzz (rules below).
Red Orktober can fire normal and boarding torpedoes.
Kaptin Morkuz Ramiuzz
Leadership: 7
Re-rolls: 2- diz may only be uzed on Da Red Orktoba’, and no otha re-rollz may be uzed on Da Red Orktoba’
Famuz Freebooter: Kaptin Morkuz Ramiuz iż da only Kaptin on bord diz ship. The ship has all the normal bonuses of having a Ork Warlord on board (and thus may not buy another Warlord for this ship), with the following exceptions: Ramiuz can never be the Fleet Commander, Da Red Orktober’s crew may never be exchanged for another crew.
Under Da Kaptinz (blind) Eye - Ramiuzz pu(ni)shes the crew beyond any limit, which means they are a very proficient (for orks), if somewhat tired crew . This means that when under the Kaptin’s gaze they will work their hands to the bone, but on other occasions they just won’t give a damn.
For every successful Ld check, the ship suffers a -1 penalty to it’s leadership. On the other hand, every unsuccessful Ld check means the ship gets a +1 leadership bonus. These do stack up, so keep count.
Battlefleet Gothic,
Experimental rules,
czwartek, 25 listopada 2010
Tides of War - Only through internal struggle can true champions emerge.
As a prelude to the Incunabilis campaign we tested the rules for Chaos Fleets made entirely of Daemon-Possessed Vessels. It was an internal double so to speak with Chaos vs Chaos Daemons in the Planetary Assault Scenario. Below is a "fluff" description of the battle that resulted as a victory for ... Chaos with limited loses (some meagers escorts) while the Daemon fleet lost the "Admiral" and "vice admiral" of their fleet and sustained alot of damage to other ships as well.
Not a single "assault point" was scored! Praise the Hidden Gods.
Incunabilis Sector
Moerius Mortus Sub-sector
High orbit above Palas
The atmosphere of Palas was always thin; thin enough that in the space above the war vessels under the service of Myrkathul, the Exalted servant of the Hidden Gods could be seen with the naked eye.
The call had come a few weeks later. The sorcerers that Myrkathul employed had told him about the tides their whispering allies brought. The omens spoke of great waves in the Empyrean; waves that indicated more than one fleets of warship approaching the sector. To make matters more interesting they sensed the presence of upheaval in the system and although should the servants of the Corpse Emperor would become a problem if they received reinforcements the seers told of servants of the Gods also coming.
For those reasons Myrkathul had commanded all his subservient commanders to gather above Palas for briefings. Already some of the vessels had arrived hence he had also joined his lieutenants aboard the Dreadful, his Despoiler Class Battleship which served as the fleets Flagship.
It was during the first of many routine inspections that the sirens started wailing. Myrkathul approached the closest vox hub to be informed that enemy vessels had approached the area and were almost within striking range of the planet below. For a second he was dumbfounded, To make matters worse the signals revealed capital ships and nobody could tell him how such vessels had approached so close undetected.
Thankfully his presence on the ship meant his minions were aptly motivated, and terrified, and as such responded with great speed bringing the ship into full battle readiness in less than twenty minutes. Communication had already been exchanged with the other fleet vessels alerting them of the danger before Myrkathul had arrived at his bridge.
More data poured in from one of the patrolling destroyer squadrons that spoke of the enemy as Old Night designation cruisers that refused all hails and challenges. Before long he heard cries from the deck of one of the destroyers as they were fired upon but from what he saw on his screens the void shields of the destroyer held.
With a smile on his face he ordered all available ships to intercept. Fighters and assault boats were immediately launched and similarly the other fleet vessels trained their lances and weapon batteries towards the enemy.
As time progressed and the distance was reduced the two fleets started exchanging salvos. Little was done to the forces of the Exalted Champion as his ship lead from the front taking the brunt of the attacks from the enemy lances and bombers. The powerful void shields held and only minimal damage was inflicted on the battleship.
Not a single "assault point" was scored! Praise the Hidden Gods.
Incunabilis Sector
Moerius Mortus Sub-sector
High orbit above Palas
The atmosphere of Palas was always thin; thin enough that in the space above the war vessels under the service of Myrkathul, the Exalted servant of the Hidden Gods could be seen with the naked eye.
The call had come a few weeks later. The sorcerers that Myrkathul employed had told him about the tides their whispering allies brought. The omens spoke of great waves in the Empyrean; waves that indicated more than one fleets of warship approaching the sector. To make matters more interesting they sensed the presence of upheaval in the system and although should the servants of the Corpse Emperor would become a problem if they received reinforcements the seers told of servants of the Gods also coming.
For those reasons Myrkathul had commanded all his subservient commanders to gather above Palas for briefings. Already some of the vessels had arrived hence he had also joined his lieutenants aboard the Dreadful, his Despoiler Class Battleship which served as the fleets Flagship.
It was during the first of many routine inspections that the sirens started wailing. Myrkathul approached the closest vox hub to be informed that enemy vessels had approached the area and were almost within striking range of the planet below. For a second he was dumbfounded, To make matters worse the signals revealed capital ships and nobody could tell him how such vessels had approached so close undetected.
Thankfully his presence on the ship meant his minions were aptly motivated, and terrified, and as such responded with great speed bringing the ship into full battle readiness in less than twenty minutes. Communication had already been exchanged with the other fleet vessels alerting them of the danger before Myrkathul had arrived at his bridge.
More data poured in from one of the patrolling destroyer squadrons that spoke of the enemy as Old Night designation cruisers that refused all hails and challenges. Before long he heard cries from the deck of one of the destroyers as they were fired upon but from what he saw on his screens the void shields of the destroyer held.
With a smile on his face he ordered all available ships to intercept. Fighters and assault boats were immediately launched and similarly the other fleet vessels trained their lances and weapon batteries towards the enemy.
As time progressed and the distance was reduced the two fleets started exchanging salvos. Little was done to the forces of the Exalted Champion as his ship lead from the front taking the brunt of the attacks from the enemy lances and bombers. The powerful void shields held and only minimal damage was inflicted on the battleship.

Their enemies, a Styx designated Heavy cruiser and two Devastations, did not fare the same fate. Numerous lances penetrated as did a few waves of assault boats. The results were troubling. Although it was obvious the assault boats had reached their targets despite the enemy fighters all contact was lost with the boarding parties. Minutes later explosions riddled the enemy capital ship proving the success of the attack. On the other hand Myrkathul watched his interest growing as none of the crews seemed to return to their assault boats.
Instead, in the blink of the eye all enemy contacts disappeared. He screamed at the men controlling the sensor servitors to check and recheck but the result was the same. No contact. The enemy vessels disappeared along with any and all assault boats as well as their own cloud of fighters.
Before he had time to vent off his frustration at a bridge officer that was trying to get his attention the Oculus at the middle of the command screen lit up. The panicked voice of the captain of the Deviant, the Hades class Heavy Cruiser that Myrkathul noticed was still on high orbit despite his orders, made all heads turn from their posts.
“By the powers! They came from nowhere! They are all around us! My Lord I require assistance! Three enemy capital ships have appeared without any previous indication in orbit around the planet. Sire no human culture has the ability to cloak ships of that size and the moment they appeared the Astropath and Navigator started screaming and went into fits. Sire, it means only one thing. IT has sent the creature-ships to destroy the planet, after 111 years of truce; Fthonos is trying to consumer Palas once again! “
The Chaos Champion smiled, his filed teeth glinting in the light reflected from the screens before him.
“Bring me the witch” he growled and soon after the wretch that was always kept on board for such an eventuality, was brought before him. The woman was blind and ritual scarring marked her face yet she seemed to sense what was going on and was struggling against her captors. As the champion rose from his throne and approached the two men turned their heads not wishing to see what would happen.
Although not very gifted Myrkathul still possessed some rudimentary abilities from dabbing into sorcery and this was one of the first rituals his mentor had taught him. He drew the long adorned golden knife and plunged it deep in the woman’s belly and as her screams started to fill the room he also spoke the arcane words that made his throat bleed from tension. As the woman slumped to the floor blood oozing around her he lowered himself near her face and spoke.
“Be prepared to be destroyed Daemons for none crosses Myrkathul the Champion of the Gods no matter how close to them they may be. If you are hearing this I give you one chance to join me in the coming days or be destroyed.”
From the on it went downhill for the Daemon Fleet. The crew aboard most vessels in this regions were drilled and indoctrinated on this eventuality as the agreement reached between the renegade forces and the intellect known as Fthonos the Daemon Price was not just known but branded in every second child born from humans in this sub-sector. Such children were raised till their eleventh year and then sacrificed to appease him.
For those reasons only a few minutes passed and reports had already trickled in. The trap had been sprung and as the daemon-vessels re-appeared this time in low orbit, the hidden escorts as well as the now powered up Deviant fired upon the enemy flagship. This time before it had time to dematerialize the plasma drives were punctured from the numerous lance hits and an explosion of great magnitude took the whole ship with it. Some of the destroyers perished in the explosion as well but that was irrelevant. One of the other possessed vessels went up next, the debris as well as the concentrated fire from the vessels returning to the planet overloading the void shields first and then destroying it completely as its own plasma reactors exploded as well.

As the entities in the remaining vessels sensed the death of their kin and their auspex arrays showed them the approaching flagship they did the one thing they could.
Space above the planet became calm once more as the remaining four daemon cruisers disappeared in the blink of an eye. It would rain debris on Palas for weeks to come.
Battlefleet Gothic,
Games Workshop,
Warhammer 40,
BFG Campaign Overture -The Storm is Comming
The objective of War has always been the same. Not to annihilate our enemies completely, but to utterly crush their will to resist, and thus force them to do our bidding. The true power is not to destroy these who stand against us, but to impose our will upon them without destroying them.
-attributed to Admiral Yegorov, Incunabilis Campaign
- Sir, the Navigator informs we will be exiting warp-space any second now.
- Good, Mr. Krugger, you know the drill. Take us in.
There was a mild shake when the battleship was thrown out of the Immaterium and into the real-space.
- To all sections. This is the XO. Report status.
- Engineering- XO. Deactivate Geller field.
The status reports one after the other flowed down onto the Bridge.
- Sir, all stations report ready. – the XO’s harsh voice reported to Admiral Yegorov
- One left Immelmann, Mr. Krugger
- Yes, Admiral.
The XO commanded the helmsman to make a sharp left circle, while the ship probed the space around it for anything shadowing it in it’s warp-tail. The small warp-space rift that always followed a ship exiting the Emperean, was a good place to hide for any ambushing ship. No such ship was to be found.
- Sensors report no contacts, Sir.
- You know the plan. Proceed.
If was the few words the XO needed.
- Link me to the Astropath, transmit „Hellfire”, then another command followed,
- All hands: battlestations, combat alert!
Soon one after the other 3 more capital ships and a squadron of escorts and numerous transport ships emerged from the Warp-Space.
The Invasion had now begun...
-attributed to Admiral Yegorov, Incunabilis Campaign
- Sir, the Navigator informs we will be exiting warp-space any second now.
- Good, Mr. Krugger, you know the drill. Take us in.
There was a mild shake when the battleship was thrown out of the Immaterium and into the real-space.
- To all sections. This is the XO. Report status.
- Engineering- XO. Deactivate Geller field.
The status reports one after the other flowed down onto the Bridge.
- Sir, all stations report ready. – the XO’s harsh voice reported to Admiral Yegorov
- One left Immelmann, Mr. Krugger
- Yes, Admiral.
The XO commanded the helmsman to make a sharp left circle, while the ship probed the space around it for anything shadowing it in it’s warp-tail. The small warp-space rift that always followed a ship exiting the Emperean, was a good place to hide for any ambushing ship. No such ship was to be found.
- Sensors report no contacts, Sir.
- You know the plan. Proceed.
If was the few words the XO needed.
- Link me to the Astropath, transmit „Hellfire”, then another command followed,
- All hands: battlestations, combat alert!
Soon one after the other 3 more capital ships and a squadron of escorts and numerous transport ships emerged from the Warp-Space.
The Invasion had now begun...
Battlefleet Gothic,
sobota, 30 października 2010
Flames of War 2010.10.30
dzisiaj odbył się pierwszy u nas w klubie, "Wieczór Flames of War". Wrażenia po bitwie mam ze wszech-miar pozytywne.
Graliśmy na zróżnicowanych (nie wymaksowanych) rozpiskach. Dla części z nas była to pierwsza bitwa we Flames'y, dla mnie była to okazja do odświeżenia znajomości zasad.
Ostatecznie bitwę zakończyliśmy nierozstrzygniętą, chociaż szala zwycięstwa zaczęła się przechylać na stronę aliantów zachodnich.
Zdjęcia walki jednostek alianckich: Polaków, Brytyjczyków i Amerykanów przeciwko paktowi Nazistowsko-Kominternowskiemu możecie obejrzeć poniżej.









dzisiaj odbył się pierwszy u nas w klubie, "Wieczór Flames of War". Wrażenia po bitwie mam ze wszech-miar pozytywne.
Graliśmy na zróżnicowanych (nie wymaksowanych) rozpiskach. Dla części z nas była to pierwsza bitwa we Flames'y, dla mnie była to okazja do odświeżenia znajomości zasad.
Ostatecznie bitwę zakończyliśmy nierozstrzygniętą, chociaż szala zwycięstwa zaczęła się przechylać na stronę aliantów zachodnich.
Zdjęcia walki jednostek alianckich: Polaków, Brytyjczyków i Amerykanów przeciwko paktowi Nazistowsko-Kominternowskiemu możecie obejrzeć poniżej.
Battle Report,
Flames of War
środa, 13 października 2010
Van Burren's Painting Report: Weathering of Ork Trukks
Van Burren here,
I finally managed to find the time to write up the report of my latest painting escapade. This time we will take a look at everyone's favorite four wheeled ramshackle box of exploding death, the Ork trukk.
I know that you all wish you had entire 5000 point armies painted to Golden Daemon standards, yet that not being the case, we have to make due with the skill AND time (there is never enough of it, is there?) we have. Thus, last time we concentrated on very general painting techniques that are quick and easy and give fairly good visual results for organic characters. This time around the report will focus on the quick AND easy weathering, for that touch of realism.
The trukk model is, unlike what you most non-orkers think, quite an elegant and complicated machine. The only mekanikal bitz that are missing is an operational engine to start zooming about for real (well, ok, I AM EXAGGERATING, but the detail put into the engine block, suspension and transmission is amazing). The only complaint I have is that you seldom get to see all this goodness as the trukks usually end up exploding before anyone has a chance to say "Oh, that's ne..!". On the other hand, the trukk has a lot of flat surfaces with mixed texturing. The flat surfaces make for good contrast to the machine bits and can be used to add a lot of personalization to the trukks. All in all, this is a really fun model to build, convert, and paint.
Strangely enough, the ork technology of the 40-first millennium is very close to ours, and so it is fitting to use our trukks as reference.

Ork Trukk circa 1996
Take a look at the picture above. Notice the rust all over the unpainted metal and eating away at the paint. Also of import is the dust on the sides of the tiers. For even more reference pictures just do an image search for truck + dirty + panties.
For my particular trukks I was aiming for the look of a WWII German half-track inbred with a garbage bin.
Let's get down to the painting table.
I started off by priming my trukks and adding a single coat of paint for, well, the paint.
Nothing special there. Next, I painted all the metallic parts with boltgun metal. Here comes the INTERESTING part: after the paint dries, I use a mix of 2/3 Tin Bitz and 1/3 Dark Flesh and a bunch of water to create a wash. This is my "rust" wash. Notice that we are going to apply it on bare boltgun metal. The question that we have to ask ourselves is w-h-e-r-e will the rustiest bits be and where we will have no rust.
Places where rust accumulates:
- Unpainted metal exposed to water
Places where metal is less likely to accumulate:
- Moving bits
- Hot bits
- Very dry bits
- Smokey bits
- Oiled bits
- Touchy bits (handles and some such)
Following this short guide and our reference pictures, we apply more-less-none of the wash to the metal bits on the model.

After the wash is completely dry I applied a black wash to the metal bits to add some cheap shading. At this step I also applied a wash to the painted parts using a mix of black and dark green. Once THAT dries, I used some mythril silver to highlight areas where the metal is more polished.
Places where the metal will be the shiniest are any areas that will be often rubbed by the orks. As they are not likely to be actually cleaning anything, these will only include the service areas. I also used it to add edge highlights to the rest of the metal, for the pop-effect. Look at the picture below and notice how I put my mythril where my mouth is :P
The next little step was to dry brush highlights on the Paint as well as adding some white edge highlights to emphasize the straight edges.
Once we have the paint (and whenever I say the paint, I mean the Paint) ready, it is time for some weathering on it.
Long, long time ago, in a land far away, there lived... Bolt and Rivet. Bolt and Rivet were laying happily in dump land when suddenly a big green tornado of teeth and wrenches took them far away. Where he screwed both of them. After the screwing, they were covered under a thick layer of icky paint. The Bolt and the Rivet thought that there life was over, as they were away from water and air, but it was not so. Soon enough they found themselves being jerked ... and vibrated... until they became loose and the paint cracked around Rivet. When that happened water seeped in between them and they started to ... oxidate.
To simulate this I went over all the screw heads under the paint and applied some rusting (you can use the same wash as before). Use as much as you want, just remember to highlight the bolt once you are done to create a nice contrasting effect.
Ok, time for another effect. But before we do that let's paint in some of the other details not related to weathering. Now. ... Mud. ... Orks love mud... it reminds them of childhood. To make mud I looked to my spice cabinet. Ground cinnamon! Looks good. Take the cinnamon (or any other fine powdery condiment) and mix it with white glue and the color of your own personal mud. The cinnamon will absorb it all and create a thick paste that you can now apply wherever mud naturally goes... which is everywhere. Take special "care" of places where the wheels are, where orks move about (yeah, they like mud), and any other spot that will have contact with the ground.
In this case it was the wheels, anything near the wheels, the ramming bit, the loading area, and the seats.... oh, wait, that's not mud.
Once all that is finished. We can add some dusting. A very fine wash applied sparingly bottom up on the vehicle. Dust accumulates everywhere but the closer to the ground, the more of it will be.
Although we are done, there are few more touches I want to show you.
Chipped paint. Using a sponge dabbed in black paint I rubbed it wherever the paint would come into contact with some scratchy bits and then painted the inside of the black with mythril, as can be seen on the next photo.
I used a toothbrush to add a spatter effect of muddy water on the sides of the truck and of a mark of an unfortunate road blocker on the front of the truck.
On the previous picture on the ram, and on the next one, on the wheels, check the mythril marks showing where the dirt/rust/poop/'umies got recently rubbed off.
Other interesting things to note:
Sooty engine block and exhausts.
Rubbed handles.
Rockets, being "disposable" do not show any aging.
Where did the other trukk go?
I hope all of this will be helpful to getting your weathering done in an hour or two (as opposed to leaving your model outside the window for a year).
Allright, that's it for now! May the emperor protect.
I finally managed to find the time to write up the report of my latest painting escapade. This time we will take a look at everyone's favorite four wheeled ramshackle box of exploding death, the Ork trukk.
I know that you all wish you had entire 5000 point armies painted to Golden Daemon standards, yet that not being the case, we have to make due with the skill AND time (there is never enough of it, is there?) we have. Thus, last time we concentrated on very general painting techniques that are quick and easy and give fairly good visual results for organic characters. This time around the report will focus on the quick AND easy weathering, for that touch of realism.
The trukk model is, unlike what you most non-orkers think, quite an elegant and complicated machine. The only mekanikal bitz that are missing is an operational engine to start zooming about for real (well, ok, I AM EXAGGERATING, but the detail put into the engine block, suspension and transmission is amazing). The only complaint I have is that you seldom get to see all this goodness as the trukks usually end up exploding before anyone has a chance to say "Oh, that's ne..!". On the other hand, the trukk has a lot of flat surfaces with mixed texturing. The flat surfaces make for good contrast to the machine bits and can be used to add a lot of personalization to the trukks. All in all, this is a really fun model to build, convert, and paint.
Strangely enough, the ork technology of the 40-first millennium is very close to ours, and so it is fitting to use our trukks as reference.

Ork Trukk circa 1996
Take a look at the picture above. Notice the rust all over the unpainted metal and eating away at the paint. Also of import is the dust on the sides of the tiers. For even more reference pictures just do an image search for truck + dirty + panties.
For my particular trukks I was aiming for the look of a WWII German half-track inbred with a garbage bin.
Let's get down to the painting table.
I started off by priming my trukks and adding a single coat of paint for, well, the paint.
Places where rust accumulates:
- Unpainted metal exposed to water
Places where metal is less likely to accumulate:
- Moving bits
- Hot bits
- Very dry bits
- Smokey bits
- Oiled bits
- Touchy bits (handles and some such)
Following this short guide and our reference pictures, we apply more-less-none of the wash to the metal bits on the model.
After the wash is completely dry I applied a black wash to the metal bits to add some cheap shading. At this step I also applied a wash to the painted parts using a mix of black and dark green. Once THAT dries, I used some mythril silver to highlight areas where the metal is more polished.
Places where the metal will be the shiniest are any areas that will be often rubbed by the orks. As they are not likely to be actually cleaning anything, these will only include the service areas. I also used it to add edge highlights to the rest of the metal, for the pop-effect. Look at the picture below and notice how I put my mythril where my mouth is :P
Long, long time ago, in a land far away, there lived... Bolt and Rivet. Bolt and Rivet were laying happily in dump land when suddenly a big green tornado of teeth and wrenches took them far away. Where he screwed both of them. After the screwing, they were covered under a thick layer of icky paint. The Bolt and the Rivet thought that there life was over, as they were away from water and air, but it was not so. Soon enough they found themselves being jerked ... and vibrated... until they became loose and the paint cracked around Rivet. When that happened water seeped in between them and they started to ... oxidate.
To simulate this I went over all the screw heads under the paint and applied some rusting (you can use the same wash as before). Use as much as you want, just remember to highlight the bolt once you are done to create a nice contrasting effect.
In this case it was the wheels, anything near the wheels, the ramming bit, the loading area, and the seats.... oh, wait, that's not mud.
Chipped paint. Using a sponge dabbed in black paint I rubbed it wherever the paint would come into contact with some scratchy bits and then painted the inside of the black with mythril, as can be seen on the next photo.
Sooty engine block and exhausts.
Rubbed handles.
Rockets, being "disposable" do not show any aging.
Where did the other trukk go?
I hope all of this will be helpful to getting your weathering done in an hour or two (as opposed to leaving your model outside the window for a year).
Allright, that's it for now! May the emperor protect.
piątek, 17 września 2010
Wieczór Gier Battlefleet Gothic- 25 września

Ciężkie krążowniki klasy Acheron i Hades wyłaniające się z Immaterium
zapraszam do zagrania w Battlefleet Gothic'a w sobotę 25ego września od 16:00 (prawdopodobnie do 24:00) w klubie Walkiria.
Jak ktoś nie ma własnej floty- to nic nie szkodzi, zapewnię każdemu chętnemu flotę do pogrania i zrobię wprowadzenie do tego systemu (gry pokazowe), jeśli będzie to potrzebne.
Tą informację możecie dowolnie przekazać zainteresowanym znajomym.
Nie trzeba się zapowiadać, ale będę wdzięczny jeśli to zrobicie (jeśli jeszcze nie wiem, że ktoś przyjeżdża to poproszę informacje na kgbwalkiria @ gmail.com jeśli nie macie innego kontaktu).
Pozdrawiam i jeszcze raz Zapraszam.
Battlefleet Gothic,
Wieczór Gier
czwartek, 16 września 2010
Zbieranie floty do Battlefleet Gothic
"Zagrałem bitwę w BFG, podoba mi się – no tak, ale co dalej?- nie mam floty."
albo "Podoba mi się system, ale skąd mam wziąć statki?"
Istnieją zasadniczo trzy możliwości uzyskania statków do BFG:
Zakup używanych
– wariant dla tych którzy mają mniej pieniędzy a więcej czasu. Nie będę owijał w bawełnę, kupić używaną flotę w Polsce nie jest łatwo- na allegro raz na parę miesięcy się coś pojawia. Najlepszym miejscem na zakupy flot używanych wydaje się być Brytyjski e-bay.
Część wystawiających oferuje możliwość wysłania poza granice Wielkiej Brytanii, a nawet jeśli nie- to zawsze można przecież znaleźć znajomego który otrzyma naszą paczkę w UK i przywiezie ją nam kiedy będzie wracał do Polski. W zależności od ilości statków we flocie, stanu oraz rasy ceny oraz pory dnia o której kończy się aukcja ceny używanych modeli wahają się w granicach 30-100% wartości nowych okrętów. Dla popularnych flot takich jak Chaos i Imperium przeciętnymi cenami jest ok. 40-60% wartości nówek. Dla eldarów jest to ok. 55-70%.
Sam skorzystałem z tej opcji aby kupić swoją flotę Chaosu.
Zakup nowych
– statki są oczywiście dalej dostępne przez mail order od GW lub z Forge World'a
Z jednej strony pojedyncze okręty nie są tanie (30-100zł dla okrętów liniowych- Capital Ships, lub jakieś 40zł za blister z 3 eskortowcami), jednak każdy właściwie okręt (lub w przypadku eskortowców zawartość blistera- 3-4 statki) stanowi odpowiednik całego oddziału do wh40k lub regimentu do whfb. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc dla większości flot BFG stosunek punkty/złotówki jest znacznie lepszy niż w wh40k lub whfb.
Są też inni producenci figurek statków kosmicznych tacy jak np. Spartan Games.
Zrobienie statków samemu
– dla części flot ze względu na to jak ich statki wyglądają może być to nawet lepszy pomysł niż zakup. Zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o Orki i Tyranidów (lubię wygląd oryginalnych statków) są to floty które można w całości zbudować z resztek po modelach do wh40k i innych kawałków (elementy statków chaosu i imperium, elementy układów elektronicznych [masz starą kartę graficzną- zamień ją w krążownik!]) w przypadku orków). Przykłady jak ludzie budują takie floty są łatwe do znalezienia w internecie:
albo "Podoba mi się system, ale skąd mam wziąć statki?"
Istnieją zasadniczo trzy możliwości uzyskania statków do BFG:
Zakup używanych
– wariant dla tych którzy mają mniej pieniędzy a więcej czasu. Nie będę owijał w bawełnę, kupić używaną flotę w Polsce nie jest łatwo- na allegro raz na parę miesięcy się coś pojawia. Najlepszym miejscem na zakupy flot używanych wydaje się być Brytyjski e-bay.
Część wystawiających oferuje możliwość wysłania poza granice Wielkiej Brytanii, a nawet jeśli nie- to zawsze można przecież znaleźć znajomego który otrzyma naszą paczkę w UK i przywiezie ją nam kiedy będzie wracał do Polski. W zależności od ilości statków we flocie, stanu oraz rasy ceny oraz pory dnia o której kończy się aukcja ceny używanych modeli wahają się w granicach 30-100% wartości nowych okrętów. Dla popularnych flot takich jak Chaos i Imperium przeciętnymi cenami jest ok. 40-60% wartości nówek. Dla eldarów jest to ok. 55-70%.
Sam skorzystałem z tej opcji aby kupić swoją flotę Chaosu.
Zakup nowych
– statki są oczywiście dalej dostępne przez mail order od GW lub z Forge World'a
Z jednej strony pojedyncze okręty nie są tanie (30-100zł dla okrętów liniowych- Capital Ships, lub jakieś 40zł za blister z 3 eskortowcami), jednak każdy właściwie okręt (lub w przypadku eskortowców zawartość blistera- 3-4 statki) stanowi odpowiednik całego oddziału do wh40k lub regimentu do whfb. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc dla większości flot BFG stosunek punkty/złotówki jest znacznie lepszy niż w wh40k lub whfb.
Są też inni producenci figurek statków kosmicznych tacy jak np. Spartan Games.
Zrobienie statków samemu
– dla części flot ze względu na to jak ich statki wyglądają może być to nawet lepszy pomysł niż zakup. Zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o Orki i Tyranidów (lubię wygląd oryginalnych statków) są to floty które można w całości zbudować z resztek po modelach do wh40k i innych kawałków (elementy statków chaosu i imperium, elementy układów elektronicznych [masz starą kartę graficzną- zamień ją w krążownik!]) w przypadku orków). Przykłady jak ludzie budują takie floty są łatwe do znalezienia w internecie:
Battlefleet Gothic,
Zbieranie Armii
piątek, 10 września 2010
Dlaczego Battlefleet Gothic?
Into the jaws of death, into the mouth of Hell!
- Lord Admiral Ravensburg’s opening order at the Battle of Gethsemane
Zacznę przewrotnie. Dlaczego miałbym grać w grę w którą mało kto gra, do której nie są
wydawane nowe zasady, do której modele są drogie albo co najmniej ciężko dostępne?
Odpowiedzi na te pytania znajdują się pod koniec artykułu, teraz natomiast odwołam się do czegoś z zupełnie innej beczki.
“I stałem się Śmiercią. Niszczycielem Światów.”
Jak to jest dowodzić armadą okrętów, będącą w stanie obrócić w pył całe układy słoneczne?
Battlefleet Gothic - The Imperial Navy
Jeśli lubicie filmy marinistyczne, czy to o piratach, U-botach, o bitwach na Pacyfiku, albo sci-fi takie jak Battlestar Galactica, Gwiezdne Wojny - to świetnie zrozumiecie dlaczego ta gra może się aż tak bardzo podobać. A ma ona wszystkie zalety mrocznego klimatu warhammer’a 40k opakowane w grę w gigantycznej skali.Gigantyczne lasery rozcinające w pół krążowniki wroga, torpedy plazmowe topiące całe pokłady, bombowce niszczące słabo bronione okręty, walka w abordażu, desanty planetarne kosmicznych marines, albo nawet misje w których celem jest unicestwienie całej planety.
Pozostawiając za sobą całą fantastyczną otoczkę fabularną, opiszę szybko mechanikę gry.W BFG większość flot jest mocno ograniczona możliwościami manewrowania swoich statków, polami ostrzału itd., przez co należy dobrze planować swoje ruchy i adaptować je do sytuacji na “polu bitwy”. Jak w praktycznie wszystkich grach GW element losowy gry ma istotny, aczkolwiek zwykle drugorzędny w stosunku do dobrego planowania i wykonywania planów. Ocena ryzyka jest więc tutaj również istotnym elementem taktyki w tej grze.
Teraz pozwolę sobie powrócić do pytania które zadałem na początku.
Brak wydania nowych zasad jest wbrew pozorom zaletą tej gry. System jest stabilny- tutaj nie ma miejsca na “syndrom nowej armii”. Od razu wiadomo, które floty mają jakie mocne i słabe strony- i takie też pozostaną. Każdy może z pełną świadomością wybrać to co mu się podoba i nie być zawiedzionym “kiedy nowa edycja znerfiła moją armię”.Nowe modele do BFG do szczególnie tanich nie należą. Na całe szczęście jest jeszcze e-bay, dzięki któremu (i znajomym w UK) można nabyć statki w rozsądnych cenach (ok 40-60% ceny nowych statków jak się dobrze poluje). Ale koszt poszczególnych figurek należy odnieść do tego jak się w tą grę gra.
Pojedynczy statek odpowiada całemu oddziałowi lub regimentowi, a bitwy już na 1000 punktów mogą spokojnie trwać 2,5+ godziny, będąc przy tym emocjonującymi. Taka flota na 1000 punktów składa się zwykle z ok 5 krążowników, lub 3 krążowników i 1 pancernika, lub 3-4 krążowników wraz z eskortowcami. Koszt takiej nowej floty zaczyna się od ok 180 zł.
Kupując używane okręty w Wielkiej Brytanii można oczywiście zdobyć adekwatnie większą lub tańszą flotę. Ponieważ najtaniej %-wychodzą oczywiście duże używane floty, jeśli ktoś sam nie potrzebuje np. 4000 punktów to dobrym rozwiązaniem będzie podzielenie się takim zakupem.
W różne postaci warhammera gram od jakichś 11-12 lat, po tym czasie doszedłem do bardzo prostego wniosku- najlepiej jest grac w system, który nam się najbardziej podoba- jeśli jest dobry, nawet jeśli nie jest popularny, to przeciwnicy i tak się znajdą.
BFG choć jest relatywnie prostą grą (uważam to za zaletę- łatwo jest poznać zasady, ale później trzeba kombinować), daje bardzo wiele możliwości rozgrywki i potencjalnie mnóstwo zabawy jeśli komuś odpowiada bycie admirałem kosmicznej floty.
+++Transmisja zakończona+++
- Lord Admiral Ravensburg’s opening order at the Battle of Gethsemane
Zacznę przewrotnie. Dlaczego miałbym grać w grę w którą mało kto gra, do której nie są
wydawane nowe zasady, do której modele są drogie albo co najmniej ciężko dostępne?
Odpowiedzi na te pytania znajdują się pod koniec artykułu, teraz natomiast odwołam się do czegoś z zupełnie innej beczki.
“I stałem się Śmiercią. Niszczycielem Światów.”
Jak to jest dowodzić armadą okrętów, będącą w stanie obrócić w pył całe układy słoneczne?
Battlefleet Gothic - The Imperial Navy
Jeśli lubicie filmy marinistyczne, czy to o piratach, U-botach, o bitwach na Pacyfiku, albo sci-fi takie jak Battlestar Galactica, Gwiezdne Wojny - to świetnie zrozumiecie dlaczego ta gra może się aż tak bardzo podobać. A ma ona wszystkie zalety mrocznego klimatu warhammer’a 40k opakowane w grę w gigantycznej skali.Gigantyczne lasery rozcinające w pół krążowniki wroga, torpedy plazmowe topiące całe pokłady, bombowce niszczące słabo bronione okręty, walka w abordażu, desanty planetarne kosmicznych marines, albo nawet misje w których celem jest unicestwienie całej planety.
Pozostawiając za sobą całą fantastyczną otoczkę fabularną, opiszę szybko mechanikę gry.W BFG większość flot jest mocno ograniczona możliwościami manewrowania swoich statków, polami ostrzału itd., przez co należy dobrze planować swoje ruchy i adaptować je do sytuacji na “polu bitwy”. Jak w praktycznie wszystkich grach GW element losowy gry ma istotny, aczkolwiek zwykle drugorzędny w stosunku do dobrego planowania i wykonywania planów. Ocena ryzyka jest więc tutaj również istotnym elementem taktyki w tej grze.
Teraz pozwolę sobie powrócić do pytania które zadałem na początku.
Brak wydania nowych zasad jest wbrew pozorom zaletą tej gry. System jest stabilny- tutaj nie ma miejsca na “syndrom nowej armii”. Od razu wiadomo, które floty mają jakie mocne i słabe strony- i takie też pozostaną. Każdy może z pełną świadomością wybrać to co mu się podoba i nie być zawiedzionym “kiedy nowa edycja znerfiła moją armię”.Nowe modele do BFG do szczególnie tanich nie należą. Na całe szczęście jest jeszcze e-bay, dzięki któremu (i znajomym w UK) można nabyć statki w rozsądnych cenach (ok 40-60% ceny nowych statków jak się dobrze poluje). Ale koszt poszczególnych figurek należy odnieść do tego jak się w tą grę gra.
Pojedynczy statek odpowiada całemu oddziałowi lub regimentowi, a bitwy już na 1000 punktów mogą spokojnie trwać 2,5+ godziny, będąc przy tym emocjonującymi. Taka flota na 1000 punktów składa się zwykle z ok 5 krążowników, lub 3 krążowników i 1 pancernika, lub 3-4 krążowników wraz z eskortowcami. Koszt takiej nowej floty zaczyna się od ok 180 zł.
Kupując używane okręty w Wielkiej Brytanii można oczywiście zdobyć adekwatnie większą lub tańszą flotę. Ponieważ najtaniej %-wychodzą oczywiście duże używane floty, jeśli ktoś sam nie potrzebuje np. 4000 punktów to dobrym rozwiązaniem będzie podzielenie się takim zakupem.
W różne postaci warhammera gram od jakichś 11-12 lat, po tym czasie doszedłem do bardzo prostego wniosku- najlepiej jest grac w system, który nam się najbardziej podoba- jeśli jest dobry, nawet jeśli nie jest popularny, to przeciwnicy i tak się znajdą.
BFG choć jest relatywnie prostą grą (uważam to za zaletę- łatwo jest poznać zasady, ale później trzeba kombinować), daje bardzo wiele możliwości rozgrywki i potencjalnie mnóstwo zabawy jeśli komuś odpowiada bycie admirałem kosmicznej floty.
+++Transmisja zakończona+++
Battlefleet Gothic
sobota, 4 września 2010
BFG Chaos Fleet update
This is the full extent of my Chaos Fleet (excluding Attack Craft):

Since last update, I've added the Blackstone Fortress (right highest) , Planet Killer (highest center right), Despoiler Battleship (second highest left), Vengence Class Grand Cruiser (right second highest), Nox Eternus (the biggest ship) and painted the bases. The Battleships aren't pinned to their bases yet.
Edit [5.09.2010]:
This is the Vengance Class grand Cruiser "Tranquilious":

Since last update, I've added the Blackstone Fortress (right highest) , Planet Killer (highest center right), Despoiler Battleship (second highest left), Vengence Class Grand Cruiser (right second highest), Nox Eternus (the biggest ship) and painted the bases. The Battleships aren't pinned to their bases yet.
Edit [5.09.2010]:
This is the Vengance Class grand Cruiser "Tranquilious":
Battlefleet Gothic,
Zbieranie Armii
piątek, 3 września 2010
Tactica Imperialis: Tauros, Tauros Venator
"Just drive down that road, until you get blown up"
- General George Patton, addressing reconnaissance troops
Since the Blog gets more hits from International viewers then from Polish ones, I’ve decided to go for an full English article this time. This article is a continuation of previous Tactica Imperialis articles written by your humble scribe (me) in low gothic (Polish) about Griffons, Penal Legions and Sentinels.
So without further ado...
Tauros and Tauros Venator are the two new toys from Forge World for all the Tread Heads out there. Their rules can be found in Imperial Armour Vol. 8 Raid on Kastorel-Novem. All the coolness factor aside (IG buggies - yeah!!!), let us consider their battlefield efficiency.
These two vehicles share a few special rules: scout, open-topped and fast are the standard ones, but theres more...
You’ve been thinking about buying a hybrid car? - Well, think again: the purely electric driven Tauros (thanks to the Galvanic Motors®) is the best thing since bread came sliced. On 4+ you ignore Immobilized armor penetration results. This is just awesome for a squadroned vehicle (one does not need to deny the enemy his vehicle by blowing it up!) . On top of that you can re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests, when moving at combat speed- this too sometimes comes in handy.
Let’s take on the smaller of the two vehicles first: the Tauros.
I will compare it to the most similar unit from the generic IG codex: the sturdy Scout Sentinel (later referred to as SS (but not as “The SS”) For just the same cost as a SS with a heavy flamer you get the basic Tauros (with a heavy flamer as well). You loose the ability to engage the enemy in close combat, but you get the ability to move 12” and still fire your heavy flamer. When outflanking this gives your the ability to threaten enemy infantry that is up to 20” from a short table edge.
This buggy has a drawback however- the options it has are generally sub-par army wise. The special-issue Tauros grenade launcher is a mid-strength/low-strength blast weapon- one of many, many the IG can field (the 4 GL Platoon Command Squad comes to mind) and I really don’t see anything justifying mounting it on a speedy car. The grenade launcher variant does not improve the overall army performance of the Imperial Guard. A fast and cheap heavy flamer carrier does.
And now for something completely different...
oh well, maybe not that much different: Tauros Venator (I will restrain myself from using the TV abbreviation)
for 10 points more you can buy Tauros’ combi-cabrio version: you get 2 more wheels and 2mm armored plate for some real protection from the front - STOP- this doesn't interest gamers that much, let's try again...
for 10 points more then the standard Tauros you get AV11 front, and a twin-linked multilaser. Honestly I think that multilaser SSs are much better. Point for point (almost) they have the same firepower and can take just as much punishment before going down (2 TVs vs. 3 SSs), but Sentinels can attack in close combat- which is advantageous for a outflanking unit.
So what makes the Venator good?- well the TL lascannon does. The lascannons always have come with some kind of sacrifice in the IG codex, and it’s great to have one more option of deploying this powerful tool of Emperor’s Justice. For 65 pts, you get a fast moving lascannon platform, that is quite accurate, and has a small size (so is easily to hide).
Unlike the Vendetta- it can easily be completely or partially hidden (even behind infantry!). A squadron of Venators can maintain maximum firepower when moving up to 12”, whereas a Vendetta can not. For these advantages one has to sacrifice the transport ability and some firepower at low speeds.
The goodies don’t just stop here- the Venator can take up to 2 HKM’s (bumping it’s cost to a whooping 85 pts for a wet paper buggy [with some cardboard to the front- to make it just]. This certainly is a valid option, although one has to be very careful in using this paper sword. A squadron of 3 TVs all kitted out with lascannons and HKM’s costs over 250, and I would only seldom advise taking it.
The Tauros and Tauros Venator make great additions to the Imperial Guard Army, but unlike Scout Sentinels they are highly specialized, and can only perform well their specific task: Tauros as a infantry killer, and Venator as a Tank/Monster hunter. Both Tauros variants are designed to punch the enemy in the face (the Venator preferably from 2 leagues away, as not to get punched back) and should be used this way. They either can not fulfill the many roles the Sentinels can, or would so for much more points, so it’s probably good to use both these units at the same time. The Venators present a valid alternative to the much loved (or hated, dependant upon if you are looking up or down the lascannon’s barrel) Vendetta Gunship, whereas the smaller Tauros replaces Flamer Sentinels.
So without further ado...
Tauros and Tauros Venator are the two new toys from Forge World for all the Tread Heads out there. Their rules can be found in Imperial Armour Vol. 8 Raid on Kastorel-Novem. All the coolness factor aside (IG buggies - yeah!!!), let us consider their battlefield efficiency.
These two vehicles share a few special rules: scout, open-topped and fast are the standard ones, but theres more...
You’ve been thinking about buying a hybrid car? - Well, think again: the purely electric driven Tauros (thanks to the Galvanic Motors®) is the best thing since bread came sliced. On 4+ you ignore Immobilized armor penetration results. This is just awesome for a squadroned vehicle (one does not need to deny the enemy his vehicle by blowing it up!) . On top of that you can re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests, when moving at combat speed- this too sometimes comes in handy.
Let’s take on the smaller of the two vehicles first: the Tauros.
I will compare it to the most similar unit from the generic IG codex: the sturdy Scout Sentinel (later referred to as SS (but not as “The SS”) For just the same cost as a SS with a heavy flamer you get the basic Tauros (with a heavy flamer as well). You loose the ability to engage the enemy in close combat, but you get the ability to move 12” and still fire your heavy flamer. When outflanking this gives your the ability to threaten enemy infantry that is up to 20” from a short table edge.
This buggy has a drawback however- the options it has are generally sub-par army wise. The special-issue Tauros grenade launcher is a mid-strength/low-strength blast weapon- one of many, many the IG can field (the 4 GL Platoon Command Squad comes to mind) and I really don’t see anything justifying mounting it on a speedy car. The grenade launcher variant does not improve the overall army performance of the Imperial Guard. A fast and cheap heavy flamer carrier does.
And now for something completely different...
oh well, maybe not that much different: Tauros Venator (I will restrain myself from using the TV abbreviation)
for 10 points more you can buy Tauros’ combi-cabrio version: you get 2 more wheels and 2mm armored plate for some real protection from the front - STOP- this doesn't interest gamers that much, let's try again...
for 10 points more then the standard Tauros you get AV11 front, and a twin-linked multilaser. Honestly I think that multilaser SSs are much better. Point for point (almost) they have the same firepower and can take just as much punishment before going down (2 TVs vs. 3 SSs), but Sentinels can attack in close combat- which is advantageous for a outflanking unit.
So what makes the Venator good?- well the TL lascannon does. The lascannons always have come with some kind of sacrifice in the IG codex, and it’s great to have one more option of deploying this powerful tool of Emperor’s Justice. For 65 pts, you get a fast moving lascannon platform, that is quite accurate, and has a small size (so is easily to hide).
Unlike the Vendetta- it can easily be completely or partially hidden (even behind infantry!). A squadron of Venators can maintain maximum firepower when moving up to 12”, whereas a Vendetta can not. For these advantages one has to sacrifice the transport ability and some firepower at low speeds.
The goodies don’t just stop here- the Venator can take up to 2 HKM’s (bumping it’s cost to a whooping 85 pts for a wet paper buggy [with some cardboard to the front- to make it just]. This certainly is a valid option, although one has to be very careful in using this paper sword. A squadron of 3 TVs all kitted out with lascannons and HKM’s costs over 250, and I would only seldom advise taking it.
The Tauros and Tauros Venator make great additions to the Imperial Guard Army, but unlike Scout Sentinels they are highly specialized, and can only perform well their specific task: Tauros as a infantry killer, and Venator as a Tank/Monster hunter. Both Tauros variants are designed to punch the enemy in the face (the Venator preferably from 2 leagues away, as not to get punched back) and should be used this way. They either can not fulfill the many roles the Sentinels can, or would so for much more points, so it’s probably good to use both these units at the same time. The Venators present a valid alternative to the much loved (or hated, dependant upon if you are looking up or down the lascannon’s barrel) Vendetta Gunship, whereas the smaller Tauros replaces Flamer Sentinels.
Imperial Guard,
Tactica Imperialis,
Warhammer 40,
wtorek, 31 sierpnia 2010
Painting Report: Ogryn 1996
Van Burren here,
My first time on this blog with a Painting Report!
First, let me start with giving a bit of background on me & painting:
I started painting miniatures back in 1996. That was when I got me a shiny box of second edition WH 40k and botched all the marine miniatures with a silver spray ... Having ruined all of the marines I only had the orks left, which I then started collecting and painting.
Due to life's unforeseen circumstances... and lack of a gamer group in my new town, I stopped painting in 1999. That was a sad time in my life....
In March 2009 when I got me a shiny box of 5th edition WH 40K and relived beautiful memories from my childhood, with the exception of raping my space marines with wall paint. And so I painted some more orks with a strong feeling of deja vu.
Apart from miniature painting I have doubled in digital art, REAL painting, lots of sketch work, murals, sculpting and all sorts of artsy stuff since I was ... hmmm I don't recall ever not doing any of that. I you could say I have a fairly strong background when it comes to paint. Also, I would like to mention I'm addicted to coolminiornot.
I do hope this is not going to be the last report of this kind... and I promise not to rant on the next one.
Anyyyyywayyyyyss, back to business.
Today I'm going to be painting (in a figurative sense) an Ogryn bone 'ead called Stefa, from 2nd edition (whom I managed to retrieve from the time-warp he was sitting in since 1999).
Those Ogryns were a bit different from the modern day ones. They had a bit more of an edge to them and less of a I-m-too-dumb-to-wipe-my-own-arse look on their faces.
Since he was already painted by me back in 1996 (... doesn't that sounds like a quote from "Back to the Future 3"?) I decided to simply enhance that paint job. So here is the first pic showing the ogryn with a new coat of paint.

I wish I had made a photo of him before I started painting, so you will have to use your imagination or x-ray vision to see what he looked like before.
The colors I used there were dwarf flesh, german cammo green, chaos black(weapon). All the remaining paint was there before.
First I started off with the gun using a technique I use from most inorganic objects. I added highlights with about 1/2 black 1/2 Enchanted Blue, then added edge highlights with 3/4 khaki 1/4 black, then added pure khaki extreme highlights, and some very extreme pure white highlights. This is not very fine blending and to tie the colors together I washed it with badab black ink. After it dried I redid some of the extreme highlights with a watered down white.
I do not like to spend a lot of time on guns and other menial equipment as I find it that it requires a lot of concentration to make blending on them look very good and for me it is not interesting enough to do spend time on it. The technique I used here did not take more than a few minutes and the result is satisfactory for anything other then competition entry or collector piece.
Next up I did the metallics on the gun. I undercoated it all with boltgun metal and then applied highlights with mithril silver, washed with badab black, and redid some mithril highlights. Sometimes I use a mix of white and mithril silver to do extreme edge highlights. Also notice that I painted the shells. Since I do not have a brass colored paint I based them with burnished gold, then washed with badab black and gryphon sepia, and at the end dry brushed some mythril silver.
This is my favorite part, painting the skin. I really enjoy painting the organic bits such as skin and fur as a more free and imprecise way of painting, such as mine, works to the benefit of such surfaces as they are never perfect in nature. The first thing I did was to gradually paint from dwarf flesh to white (off-white is an even better choice). I did this by putting a bit of white right next to dwarf flesh on the palette and mixing them in between, gradually adding more white to the mix. I usually do this by eye, but what I end up doing in the end, is painting around three to four progressive levels till I arrive to near-white.
Ok, we finished doing the gradient.... but it certainly does not look like skin! Oh, wait my friends, do not throw the first stone! We are only behind the first and least inventive step. What we need to do now is to add character. I've done this by adding things like a red nose (diluted blood red), swelling around the band-aid, eyes!, drybrushed hair, and redness on stressed joints using diluted red gore.

Now we are getting somewhere! Notice on that last picture that I also painted the combat blade. I used the same technique as the metal on the gun, and after that added weathering to both by washing them with a mix of strongly watered down tin bitz and dark flesh. Also, I added some dried blood smearing to the knife using a loose brush with only a little diluted red gore, it is better visible on the next pic.
As the flesh still looks way to fresh and baby like, I added a wash of very watered flesh-sepia-black to the whole skin area, making sure that the paint does not pool.
The clothing and leather were painted in a similar way to the gun. 1. Do three stages of highlights, 2. Wash with base color, 3. Re-do extreme highlights. For leather I used a bit more extreme highlight as leather tends to reflect light much better. I added another highlight to the skin mixing gloss varnish, white, and dwarf flesh to reinforce the highlights and add it a lively feel.
The 98% finished model looks like this:
And here are the pics of his buddies:

Allright, that's it for now! May the emperor protect.
My first time on this blog with a Painting Report!
First, let me start with giving a bit of background on me & painting:
I started painting miniatures back in 1996. That was when I got me a shiny box of second edition WH 40k and botched all the marine miniatures with a silver spray ... Having ruined all of the marines I only had the orks left, which I then started collecting and painting.
Due to life's unforeseen circumstances... and lack of a gamer group in my new town, I stopped painting in 1999. That was a sad time in my life....
In March 2009 when I got me a shiny box of 5th edition WH 40K and relived beautiful memories from my childhood, with the exception of raping my space marines with wall paint. And so I painted some more orks with a strong feeling of deja vu.
Apart from miniature painting I have doubled in digital art, REAL painting, lots of sketch work, murals, sculpting and all sorts of artsy stuff since I was ... hmmm I don't recall ever not doing any of that. I you could say I have a fairly strong background when it comes to paint. Also, I would like to mention I'm addicted to coolminiornot.
I do hope this is not going to be the last report of this kind... and I promise not to rant on the next one.
Anyyyyywayyyyyss, back to business.
Today I'm going to be painting (in a figurative sense) an Ogryn bone 'ead called Stefa, from 2nd edition (whom I managed to retrieve from the time-warp he was sitting in since 1999).
Those Ogryns were a bit different from the modern day ones. They had a bit more of an edge to them and less of a I-m-too-dumb-to-wipe-my-own-arse look on their faces.
Since he was already painted by me back in 1996 (... doesn't that sounds like a quote from "Back to the Future 3"?) I decided to simply enhance that paint job. So here is the first pic showing the ogryn with a new coat of paint.
I wish I had made a photo of him before I started painting, so you will have to use your imagination or x-ray vision to see what he looked like before.
The colors I used there were dwarf flesh, german cammo green, chaos black(weapon). All the remaining paint was there before.
First I started off with the gun using a technique I use from most inorganic objects. I added highlights with about 1/2 black 1/2 Enchanted Blue, then added edge highlights with 3/4 khaki 1/4 black, then added pure khaki extreme highlights, and some very extreme pure white highlights. This is not very fine blending and to tie the colors together I washed it with badab black ink. After it dried I redid some of the extreme highlights with a watered down white.
Next up I did the metallics on the gun. I undercoated it all with boltgun metal and then applied highlights with mithril silver, washed with badab black, and redid some mithril highlights. Sometimes I use a mix of white and mithril silver to do extreme edge highlights. Also notice that I painted the shells. Since I do not have a brass colored paint I based them with burnished gold, then washed with badab black and gryphon sepia, and at the end dry brushed some mythril silver.
Now we are getting somewhere! Notice on that last picture that I also painted the combat blade. I used the same technique as the metal on the gun, and after that added weathering to both by washing them with a mix of strongly watered down tin bitz and dark flesh. Also, I added some dried blood smearing to the knife using a loose brush with only a little diluted red gore, it is better visible on the next pic.
As the flesh still looks way to fresh and baby like, I added a wash of very watered flesh-sepia-black to the whole skin area, making sure that the paint does not pool.
poniedziałek, 30 sierpnia 2010
All Hands Battlestations!!! Chaos Fleet Detected
What daring! What outrageousness! What insolence! What arrogance!... I salute you.
-King Osric
Zdęcia mojej floty Chaosu- nie są jakieś mega świeże, ale wcześniej ich nie załadowałem.
Pic's of my Chaos Fleet- maybe not the newest ones, but still I haven't disclosed most of these ships on the blog:

Jednocześnie chciałem przypomniec dawny post Rantora, w którym dodał zbliżenia na statki swojej floty:
Taking the opportunity, I just wanted to point out that Rantor has added more close-up's of his ships:
-King Osric
Zdęcia mojej floty Chaosu- nie są jakieś mega świeże, ale wcześniej ich nie załadowałem.
Pic's of my Chaos Fleet- maybe not the newest ones, but still I haven't disclosed most of these ships on the blog:

Jednocześnie chciałem przypomniec dawny post Rantora, w którym dodał zbliżenia na statki swojej floty:
Taking the opportunity, I just wanted to point out that Rantor has added more close-up's of his ships:
Battlefleet Gothic,
Zbieranie Armii
wtorek, 24 sierpnia 2010
Chcę dziś pokazać jak wygląda moja armia Tau. Trochę czasu to trwało ale udało się mi wreszcie ją skończyć :)

Teraz dokładniejsze zdjęcia moich jednostek :

Teraz dokładniejsze zdjęcia moich jednostek :






HQ oraz gwardia honorowa:


Fire Warriors:


XV25 Stealth Suits:



Sky Ray :

Vespid Stingwings:
Jeszcze brak mi brodków ale to już nie długo:) Nie ma krootów ale to dla tego iż tworzę oddzielą armię i będzie pokazana nieco póżniej.






HQ oraz gwardia honorowa:


Fire Warriors:


XV25 Stealth Suits:



Sky Ray :

Vespid Stingwings:
Jeszcze brak mi brodków ale to już nie długo:) Nie ma krootów ale to dla tego iż tworzę oddzielą armię i będzie pokazana nieco póżniej.
Warhammer 40,
Zbieranie Armii
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